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This how to be a good girl and a good mother in the future

An advice to the unmarried female gender

Female advice

Girls should Have Self Esteem and Respect For Themselves!

       As a Beautiful Girl with Bright Future you Must Not Give Guys the Opportunity to Use you 

   Many young girls has lost their lives today, because they followed Quick Money Finders 
Guys No Longer Respect The Female Body .. Why Because we have made Ourselves so Cheap , that they see us and say .. What we like is Cash 
   As a girl , Have Standard and Be Self Disciplined. Be Responsible ! 
 A Responsible Girl will end Up with a Responsible Man 
 But a Cheap Girl  will end up with Her Alike
 As a Young Girl with Potentials , Learn to Dress well .. Cover your Boobs, Curves and Thighs !
Be Hardworking ... Look for something positive to do .. Even if it will pay just a little money at least you are not jobless ! If there is Money Acquire a particular Skill !
Get Educated ..
 Try and get educated, go to school if there is a possible chance or opportunity ! But if there is None ... Be educated by Reading books that can help your vocabulary and Medulla oblongata, As A lady Never Be a Dullard, Have Something Up stairs ... When you get married to your responsible man ... He might want you to do a lot of stuff for him and the kids and at that point you Can't say oh I don't know 
As a Lady Be Smart .. your Smartness will help you in the midst of the crowed !
And Lastly Be Respectful ... You Can't Have a Good Name if you are not responsible , the way you talk to people, the way you behave Matters a lot ! You are A Book ... People Read You 

Stay Blessed My Phenomenal Fellow Ladies 👍👍

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